Hey folks, it's been way too long since I've posted on this blog- seeing as I have a school blog to keep up, because it is graded- and I am ready to do some unsolicited blogging!
I decided today, that I wanted to talk about how people always tell me that they want to travel, and get out of Utah. Then why don't you? What is really holding you back? If you are still in high school, that could be the answer. What about the people that have long since graduated, finished college, and are working at Texas Roadhouse? All you are doing is whining(and giving me a headache) I digress. You have nothing holding you back, get out there and see the world. I know I am going to. I think the main antagonist of our desire is procrastination/laziness. You always want to, but you find excuses to blow it off, or you plan it all out, and procrastinate actually going. What are you thinking? Stop that, you are being a dream killer! Give me back my radio! I want you to get off your lazy butts and go outside and live.
Don't think of this post as having a negative connotation, but I really want you all to get out there and see the world, I hear it's amazing Break out of your lazy habits of saying that your going to, putting it on the back burner, never act upon the thought, and repeat the cycle. I wish the best of luck to all of you future travelers, get out there and make me proud!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
(Double Bonus) Required Listen: Four Year Strong & Portugal. The Man
Hello bouys, and grrls. I was feeling pretty excited about two bands, and I didn't want to split it up into two different posts, so I ate a green mushroom, and now you get to have a "1 UP" with the required listens. The Bands I chose were Four Year Strong, and Portugal. The Man.
I am going to start out with Four Year Strong.
"Four Year Strong is an American pop punk/ melodic hardcore band from Worcester, Massachusetts, formed in 2001. The group consists of vocalists and guitarists Dan O'Connor and Alan Day, bassist Joe Weiss, keyboardist and back-up vocalist Josh Lyford and drummer Jackson Massucco." (Wiki)
I've seen them once in concert, and they are one of my favorite bands, I will post some links below, and a music video.
Next, Portugal. The Man. I was browsing through Graywhales selection, and stumbled across their album Censored Color. I had heard good things about this band, and I really wanted to know more, so I bought it, and listened to it, gotta say, it blew my mind. You should check them out.
Four Year Strong links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YNVSoCnoUs (my Fav)
Portugal. The Man. Links:
I am going to start out with Four Year Strong.
"Four Year Strong is an American pop punk/ melodic hardcore band from Worcester, Massachusetts, formed in 2001. The group consists of vocalists and guitarists Dan O'Connor and Alan Day, bassist Joe Weiss, keyboardist and back-up vocalist Josh Lyford and drummer Jackson Massucco." (Wiki)
I've seen them once in concert, and they are one of my favorite bands, I will post some links below, and a music video.
Next, Portugal. The Man. I was browsing through Graywhales selection, and stumbled across their album Censored Color. I had heard good things about this band, and I really wanted to know more, so I bought it, and listened to it, gotta say, it blew my mind. You should check them out.
Four Year Strong links:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YNVSoCnoUs (my Fav)
Portugal. The Man. Links:
Monday, August 2, 2010
"If I had a dollar bill for every time I've been wrong..."
Here I am again, getting back into the groove of things. It is now August, and skool is right around the corner ready to fill my life with uncontrollable emotions. Needless to say, I can't wait to get it over with. No, this post isn't about Scool, or about emotions, although, you would think it would be, I was just trying to set a scene. Fail'd terribly, but still. My post is about how I am wrong about a lot of things, a lot of times.
Through-out my lyfe I have had huge mis-calculations that have thrown me into a tailspin of self-loathing, and you know, all that jazz... I can think of a couple that are still pretty fresh in my mind. I wish I had had better understanding to fix these mistakes of my youth.
Getting a Girlfriend Sophomore Year: Some would not call this a mistake, but I would. I didn't need a girlfriend, I wass just following in the path of my friends, I remember we had that stupid competition to see who would be the last person in the crew to kiss a girl. I got so caught up in that, that when I met this girl, I had no intrest in her personality, I was looking at her looks, and the fact that she was willing to kiss me. I also remember getting tormented with a running joke of "if I didn't get a kiss from a girl, I was going to get kissed by a guy" this was not even close to funny, it made me nervous to hang out with people I thought were my friends. I was in a constant defense-mode. To those who partook in this "joke", Screw you. (it's harsh, but it has to be said. Aren't friends suppose to support their friends?) But as it turns out I got incredibly annoyed by her, and eventually -but not surprising- she cheated on me. It ruined what could be a great friendship, and I said some things that were hurtful, so did she. I would just like to say I ma sorry for all that happened in that period of time.
Leaving Early from Beirut: I am actually pretty sad that I missed this concert. I really liked this band, but my ride wanted to leave, and I did not want to try and find another way home (Which I found out could have been Cory Cooper). I am not mad at my ride, I am mad at myself for not being presistant. I am also upset with their shirt selection... I mean it was almost as bad as Ben Folds' shirt selection, which consisted of one shirt that really just plained stunk. I wanted a cool shirt like all the shirts I saw others wearing. What the heck. I digress- I vow never to leave another concert early again*.
Not Being More Nice Last Year: I wish I would have had a better attitude about people last year, no offense to anyone, but people suck. I just wish I had taken the time to make more friends, and complimented more people, more often. I saw this as a real kick in the pants, people don't like mean people. I was a loner, and being a loner is not the way to be. Good thing I have one more year to make that up...
These are the things I could think of....
Through-out my lyfe I have had huge mis-calculations that have thrown me into a tailspin of self-loathing, and you know, all that jazz... I can think of a couple that are still pretty fresh in my mind. I wish I had had better understanding to fix these mistakes of my youth.
Getting a Girlfriend Sophomore Year: Some would not call this a mistake, but I would. I didn't need a girlfriend, I wass just following in the path of my friends, I remember we had that stupid competition to see who would be the last person in the crew to kiss a girl. I got so caught up in that, that when I met this girl, I had no intrest in her personality, I was looking at her looks, and the fact that she was willing to kiss me. I also remember getting tormented with a running joke of "if I didn't get a kiss from a girl, I was going to get kissed by a guy" this was not even close to funny, it made me nervous to hang out with people I thought were my friends. I was in a constant defense-mode. To those who partook in this "joke", Screw you. (it's harsh, but it has to be said. Aren't friends suppose to support their friends?) But as it turns out I got incredibly annoyed by her, and eventually -but not surprising- she cheated on me. It ruined what could be a great friendship, and I said some things that were hurtful, so did she. I would just like to say I ma sorry for all that happened in that period of time.
Leaving Early from Beirut: I am actually pretty sad that I missed this concert. I really liked this band, but my ride wanted to leave, and I did not want to try and find another way home (Which I found out could have been Cory Cooper). I am not mad at my ride, I am mad at myself for not being presistant. I am also upset with their shirt selection... I mean it was almost as bad as Ben Folds' shirt selection, which consisted of one shirt that really just plained stunk. I wanted a cool shirt like all the shirts I saw others wearing. What the heck. I digress- I vow never to leave another concert early again*.
Not Being More Nice Last Year: I wish I would have had a better attitude about people last year, no offense to anyone, but people suck. I just wish I had taken the time to make more friends, and complimented more people, more often. I saw this as a real kick in the pants, people don't like mean people. I was a loner, and being a loner is not the way to be. Good thing I have one more year to make that up...
These are the things I could think of....
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Day The Music Died? As If...
I remember a time sitting in busk's class, learning about Tin Pan Alley, Skiffle, and all that Jazz... We were learning about the sad day when Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and the big bopper, all died. It is a terrible day in music history. During this discussion, Busk -wait no, it was Ellen Carr- said something that got me thinking. She said (paraphrased) "This is the day that the music died". How could one day kill music? Sure you can say that they were the most popular, the most influencial, and coolest artists of their time. Are you serious though? look what came after them:
The Beatles
Led Zep
The Who
The Ramones
Pink Floyd
The Rolling Stones
The Doors
Julian Casablancas (The Strokes)
Ben Folds
Looking at this list, can you honestly tell me that music died? I know that, that saying is just a saying, but still, don't say music died...
The Beatles
Led Zep
The Who
The Ramones
Pink Floyd
The Rolling Stones
The Doors
Julian Casablancas (The Strokes)
Ben Folds
Looking at this list, can you honestly tell me that music died? I know that, that saying is just a saying, but still, don't say music died...
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I haven't posted in a blue moon, and you know, I probably won't post for a while after this post, it is just too nonchalant for me to keep it a weekly/day-ly thing, but I would like to address a few things that I have been thinking about lately.
1. Skool Spirit: I don't get what it is, why do we have spirit for a school that you hate all throughout your high school experience, take, for example, I remember 'Geek Pride Day' and I dressed as nerdy as possible, but I got to thinking while wondering the halls "What does this have to do with Viewmont?" The dress up days that they have don't show school spirit, it just shows that we like to be weird and this is the only time you can let your true self out with out ridicule from your peers. I say School Spirit isn't cool.
2. La Roux: This band is tight, I have been listening to them, for about a week now, and I really like the synth-pop style they have, you should check them out, I will post a video right there ---->
3. This blog: I am not sure why I post on this thing, I literally only have one person that reads it, and I believe that is pat, I may be wrong, but he is the one that regularly posts, and tells me to update the thing. Honestly, this whole post is just to satisfy his "Blog-Needs". I need more interesting things to post about, I look at other blogs like Bambi, Ellen, and Shea's, where their blogposts are 3 to 4 times longer than mine, and 5-6 times more relavant to knowledge. I guess this blog is a good place to get out all my anger, and self-pity.
1. Skool Spirit: I don't get what it is, why do we have spirit for a school that you hate all throughout your high school experience, take, for example, I remember 'Geek Pride Day' and I dressed as nerdy as possible, but I got to thinking while wondering the halls "What does this have to do with Viewmont?" The dress up days that they have don't show school spirit, it just shows that we like to be weird and this is the only time you can let your true self out with out ridicule from your peers. I say School Spirit isn't cool.
2. La Roux: This band is tight, I have been listening to them, for about a week now, and I really like the synth-pop style they have, you should check them out, I will post a video right there ---->
3. This blog: I am not sure why I post on this thing, I literally only have one person that reads it, and I believe that is pat, I may be wrong, but he is the one that regularly posts, and tells me to update the thing. Honestly, this whole post is just to satisfy his "Blog-Needs". I need more interesting things to post about, I look at other blogs like Bambi, Ellen, and Shea's, where their blogposts are 3 to 4 times longer than mine, and 5-6 times more relavant to knowledge. I guess this blog is a good place to get out all my anger, and self-pity.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
In my opinion.
This post is my first in a long time, and I decided to do it on the opinion of people, I have a class in school where it is very opinionated, and it got me thinking about how to voice your opinion without looking like a tool.
Step 1: Don't shoot down everyone else's opinion, this just makes you look like you are a conceded dick, and nobody want to look like that, I think that you should be proud of your knowledge for a subject, but don't say the following when you hear others opinion "That is stupid" "That makes no sense" and my favorite "You are wrong"
Step 2: Have some courage to get it out there, This is a great one, when you want to voice your opinion, voice it, don't be afraid of people from step 1, you got to make that opinion your own, and make the masses want to join your side, be a public speak that can really get the gears moving.
Step 3: Know what you are talking about, This is probably the biggest thing that you should do, because when you don't know what you are talking about you will be scoffed at, and ridiculed beyond belief, get to know your subject, even if it is just reading a wiki about it.
and finally Step 4: Look good while voicing it, If you are sweating, have an angry face, or freaking out while you are saying what you need to say you aren't going to be token seriously, you gotta be cool, calm, and collective, this is how the real men say stuff, and if you have a mustache, that would help too...
That is that, happy debating friends, "Peace and Love"
Step 1: Don't shoot down everyone else's opinion, this just makes you look like you are a conceded dick, and nobody want to look like that, I think that you should be proud of your knowledge for a subject, but don't say the following when you hear others opinion "That is stupid" "That makes no sense" and my favorite "You are wrong"
Step 2: Have some courage to get it out there, This is a great one, when you want to voice your opinion, voice it, don't be afraid of people from step 1, you got to make that opinion your own, and make the masses want to join your side, be a public speak that can really get the gears moving.
Step 3: Know what you are talking about, This is probably the biggest thing that you should do, because when you don't know what you are talking about you will be scoffed at, and ridiculed beyond belief, get to know your subject, even if it is just reading a wiki about it.
and finally Step 4: Look good while voicing it, If you are sweating, have an angry face, or freaking out while you are saying what you need to say you aren't going to be token seriously, you gotta be cool, calm, and collective, this is how the real men say stuff, and if you have a mustache, that would help too...
That is that, happy debating friends, "Peace and Love"
Monday, March 1, 2010
My new found loves
I have a couple new things that I would like to share that I am truely infatuated with.
1. Mash-ups: I love mash-ups, it takes to good songs, and if the masher has some serious skill, he can make a great masterpiece.
2. Scrubs: This show is the best, I have been spending the last couple days off work doing nothing but scrubs, it is the bomb.
3. Pat: Pat drew an awesome picture of me, and put it on a shirt, and I want to pull out a shout out towards my homeboi!
4. Long Boarding: I do it everyday, and it never gets old, even after the same hill a million times.
4. Long Boarding: I do it everyday, and it never gets old, even after the same hill a million times.
That is my list for now. hope you enjoi
Friday, February 26, 2010
My life in a nutshell
So I got to thinking about lyfe, and I came to the conclusion that my lyfe is boring not because I cannot find something to do, it is boring because I choose not to find something to do. I blame all my severe bore-dumb on everyone else not being whiling to do something (which still is pretty negative in my quest for excitement) when it is me that I should be blaming this stuff on, I need to make something to do, not wait for the oppertunity to come knocking at my door. So my new goal is to do something meaning-full everyday for the rest of my lyfe, or I will let pat kick me in the face a 100 times.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Fun Hatin!
I am in just one of those moods that most everything that I come across on the interwebs makes me disgruntled, gruntled, and a little sexist. Instead of go on and on about everything, I will just describe a few things that I dislike.
1. "haha": This is one thing that I am a user in myself, I have tried every so much to quit using it in my text'z unless something actually makes me Laugh in real life, it is pointless to put "haha" at the beginning, end, or even the middle, this could be mistaken for different tones, but I have tried to counter-act that with the ":)" things and the ":P" faces, and that seems to work for me.
2. Getting told to listen to music that I really don't want to: This has been a big one for me (and again I use this in life too) but I hate being told to check something out, I would much rather have someone send me a link or show me a song than me go and search for them, call me lazy, but it really matters if I have to do the work, that is why I LOVE stumbling upon music, because it wasn't full of work, and ang-re.
3. Girls: Sometimes, they really can push my buttons, most everything they say (when I am in a bad mood) can put them in a negative light in my eyes, I don't know why, but this is a big factor in my lyfe.
4. My Lyfe: At the moment everything that is going on is boring, nothing too exciting has happened, and my friends have moved from an immature group of go getters, to a chill, "I would rather just watch a movie" kind of group, and I cannot handle this. I am an energy ball waiting to explode right now, I want to TP someone, I want to go boxing, I want to relive 2007-2008. I just need something in my lyfe to make things out of the norm and exciting.
That is my rant, and it isn't even that good, I just wrote it to have something new. Please don't read this post.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Worth Your Time - Noah and The Whale
Here is my music recommendation of the week, and this week it is Noah and The Whale. They are a British Indie Folk band from England formed in 2006. The reason I chose to share these guys this week is for the light and playful sound of all of the random percussion, and his distinct voice that is very deep even though he can reach a very high octave in some parts of his songs. To start you off, I would recommend '5 Years Time' and 'Rocks and Daggers'. Tell me what you think!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Things I Think About Everyday
I am ripping pat's idea, and making it into a kick-butt post that he tried (and failed) to d-liver.
1. Long Boarding
2. Sleeping
3. Waking up from said sleep
4. Work
5. Well-being of family
6. Women
7. E5C4P3'ing from the real world
8. Time Machines (Hot Tub)
9. Growing World Issues
10. Growing world trends
11. Music
12. Patrick
14. George
15. My personal appearance
16. Me, dress'd as a Gorilla
17. Me, Dress'd in my birthday suit
18. Party-boy'ing Pat (in my birthday suit)
19. Work....
20. Women
21. Martinelli's
22. Matt
23. Girls
24. Kicking Iam in the balls
25. Facebook
26. Girls on Facebook
27. Pat on Facebook
28. Matt on Facebook
29. Kicking Andy Wing in the balls
30. Nothing
1. Long Boarding
2. Sleeping
3. Waking up from said sleep
4. Work
5. Well-being of family
6. Women
7. E5C4P3'ing from the real world
8. Time Machines (Hot Tub)
9. Growing World Issues
10. Growing world trends
11. Music
12. Patrick
14. George
15. My personal appearance
16. Me, dress'd as a Gorilla
17. Me, Dress'd in my birthday suit
18. Party-boy'ing Pat (in my birthday suit)
19. Work....
20. Women
21. Martinelli's
22. Matt
23. Girls
24. Kicking Iam in the balls
25. Facebook
26. Girls on Facebook
27. Pat on Facebook
28. Matt on Facebook
29. Kicking Andy Wing in the balls
30. Nothing
Monday, February 1, 2010
Right Brain'd Youth. My Past
This was what I got to thinking in Seminary today, I was wondering if being young you start out as a right brain'd human being, and as you progress through maturity you either start to use more of the left quadrant of your brain, or you just stay right brain'd. To add a little substance to this we, as a class, did a kind of test that helped to determine if you were more of a right brain'd person, or a left, and while going through the results almost all of the class, not excluding me, was right brain'd and I was got to thinking why is it that they are all right brain'd? Is it because the answers for the right brain quadrant are more exciting and hip, or is it because it hasn't sunk in that you can't be a happy-go-lucky adolesent your whole life, and sooner or later you lose that desire to go out and Toilet Papers someones house because you are too worried about a family or getting a paycheck so you can pay your tuition.... Either way I can only hope that I stay right brain'd through-out my life, because I love the feeling of intrege that comes with a youth-filled life. I don't want to grow up.
Another thing that I have noticed is that I miss the past, and I don't know why. I want so bad-ly to relive my sophomore year, but I know that it will never be, maybe I am just realizing that my friends are older, and most of them are leaving on missions in 1-3 years, I myself am going to be leaving on a mission in a little over 2, it is starting to freak me out, I have no direction, and I don't want to go through my senior year without the crew, but it seems like I am going to have to. Hopefully I can make the best of what time I still have, and luckily Matt is coming back in August, that will be nice, Goodbye lyfe I use to know, goodbye mindless days of sitting in George's basement, goodbye Keenan. Goodbye childhood.
Another thing that I have noticed is that I miss the past, and I don't know why. I want so bad-ly to relive my sophomore year, but I know that it will never be, maybe I am just realizing that my friends are older, and most of them are leaving on missions in 1-3 years, I myself am going to be leaving on a mission in a little over 2, it is starting to freak me out, I have no direction, and I don't want to go through my senior year without the crew, but it seems like I am going to have to. Hopefully I can make the best of what time I still have, and luckily Matt is coming back in August, that will be nice, Goodbye lyfe I use to know, goodbye mindless days of sitting in George's basement, goodbye Keenan. Goodbye childhood.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Favorite Album Artworks of the Decade!
this is like my favorite albums, but with art!
10. Dangerdoom's 'The Mouse and The Mask' So rad!

9. Of Montreal's 'Skeletal Lamping' This is a bit un-moral, coming from Kevin Barnes mind. I wouldn't put it past him...
8. Andrew W.K's 'I Get Wet' just such a great piece of artwork for such an alright artist...

7. Animal Collective's 'Merriweather Post Pavilion' you look at this and think you are on an acid trip! Tell me you don't like it.

6. Muse's 'Resistance' This is on my top 5 and barely was edged out of this top 5 by Jay-z!

5. Jay-z 'The Blueprint 3' is just crazy and so mellow at the same time!

4. The Yeah Yeah Yeah's 'It's Blitz' Self Explanatory.

3. Radiohead's 'Kid A' is just so obscure and rad, just like the music that comes off of this album!

2. Kid CuDi's 'Man on The Moon: End of Day-Deluxe Edition" So much better than the original.
1. And coming in First place is Four Year Strong's 'Rise or Die Trying' SO RAD! just look at it!!! So cool with space and wizards and sharks that are robots, and Giant Squids!
10. Dangerdoom's 'The Mouse and The Mask' So rad!

7. Animal Collective's 'Merriweather Post Pavilion' you look at this and think you are on an acid trip! Tell me you don't like it.
6. Muse's 'Resistance' This is on my top 5 and barely was edged out of this top 5 by Jay-z!

5. Jay-z 'The Blueprint 3' is just crazy and so mellow at the same time!
4. The Yeah Yeah Yeah's 'It's Blitz' Self Explanatory.
3. Radiohead's 'Kid A' is just so obscure and rad, just like the music that comes off of this album!

2. Kid CuDi's 'Man on The Moon: End of Day-Deluxe Edition" So much better than the original.

Friday, January 22, 2010
Required Listen!: Muse - Absolution.
This is my first post in a while, and it is going to be a short one, but I really need to tell you that the album 'Absolution' is one of my favorite albums at the moment. it is super rad, and many websites have listened it as one of the best albums of the Decade! So I would say to you that you should definitely listen to this album.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Obviously, or Else I wouldn't be playing it.
Alright, here I am in 'The Badger' today, and I take out my headphones so that everyone can hear that I am playing The Cure's 'Boys Don't Cry' and my friend Donald says to me "This is a good band". This got me thinking, why do people say that? Is it to let you know that they are hip, and with the trend, is it because they want acceptance that they already have? While I was thinking, I realized that I am just like everyone else, I will go up to music, ask who it is, and leave my pointless remark. What is the deal? I might be making mountains out of mole hills, but I don't think it is just because I just want to make conversation about music, I think it is all for attention and the self aggrandizing feeling that you get when you let everyone know that you are musically oriented. Watch yourself, and see if you do it yourself! Also, I would like to recommend that you do listen to "Love Cats" by The Cure!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Music Spotlight of The Week - Head Automatica
This is my post for music that I think is awesome, and this week the music that I think is awesome is Head Automatica, I love this band, they have some very nice guitar, and I love this guys voice! It is so crazy. A recommendation for a listen would be 'Graduation Day' or 'Lying Through Your Teeth' or the album 'Popaganda.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Required Listen - The Grey Album!
Alright-tee guys, I have a album that is my top album of the Decade! it is The Grey Album by Danger Mouse. This thing is amazing, he sampled a bunch of beatles song, and rapped to them, I am not a fan of people re-doing The Beatles, but this stuff is super rad! Check this out (The only link I could find at School)
This link is good for "at school" but it has some missing links. I would advise trying to find a better place to listen to the album (or download it)
This album has some explicit content so be warned.
This link is good for "at school" but it has some missing links. I would advise trying to find a better place to listen to the album (or download it)
This album has some explicit content so be warned.
Monday, January 11, 2010
English, Waving, and The Blindside!
Alright, there is my blog, it has been awhile, and I am glad to be back.
I was sitting in english today, and I absolutely hate my table! (sorry to be all angry and mean, but I really do hate it.) This girl that I will leave unmentioned was going on one of her usual mindless rants about nothing, when she came across a subject that is dear to my heart, Kid Cudi. She was telling her friend how much she loves the song 'Up, Up, and Away' which happens to be my favorite song on the album. To start off, I was glad that she liked the song, and Cudi was getting more popular amoung the "Popular" crowds, but then she said, "I love the song because it is about how good weed is for you" and I thought to myself, "You are the biggest idiot" First off, the song is about weed, but it isn't about how it is good for you, it is about how he uses weed to forget about life, and all the 'Hatas' that keep trying to bring him down. Then out of no where they started their discussion on how much they smoke weed, and I don't judge with that subject, but when the next thing you say shouldn't be "Wanna go to EFY next year?" Weed, and a spiritual gathering, very classy! Enough of hating on my english class though.
Another thing that I realized while getting the mail was that people feel obligated to give a complimentary wave when you see an acquaintance that you usually don't talk to.
e.g. I was getting the mail one day, and I saw my Young Men's leader's wife driving up the street, I don't usually talk to her, but I decided to give a wave out of good hospitality, and no joke, she was talking on the phone at the time, take her hand off of the steering wheel, and wave, almost missing the corner and running into my basketball hoop! I thought it was humorous.
My final topic is the movie 'The Blindside'. I personally have not seen it, but honestly, it looks like a piece of carp. I understand that it was based on a true story, and that the kid became successful, but when you take that story, and commercialize it, then the true meaning of the story is ruined, and that is what I think this movie is, a carpy movie that does no justice to the Character. Also I am not a fan of Sandra Bullock. I will use the example 'We Are Marshell'. The Whole team died in a plane crash, and by the end of the movie I didn't care, I was more interested in matthew mcconaughey, and his character becoming a good couch, this is my opinion, and you are intitled to yours. Please, no hateful feedback (pat/whoever reads this, which is probably just pat)
I was sitting in english today, and I absolutely hate my table! (sorry to be all angry and mean, but I really do hate it.) This girl that I will leave unmentioned was going on one of her usual mindless rants about nothing, when she came across a subject that is dear to my heart, Kid Cudi. She was telling her friend how much she loves the song 'Up, Up, and Away' which happens to be my favorite song on the album. To start off, I was glad that she liked the song, and Cudi was getting more popular amoung the "Popular" crowds, but then she said, "I love the song because it is about how good weed is for you" and I thought to myself, "You are the biggest idiot" First off, the song is about weed, but it isn't about how it is good for you, it is about how he uses weed to forget about life, and all the 'Hatas' that keep trying to bring him down. Then out of no where they started their discussion on how much they smoke weed, and I don't judge with that subject, but when the next thing you say shouldn't be "Wanna go to EFY next year?" Weed, and a spiritual gathering, very classy! Enough of hating on my english class though.
Another thing that I realized while getting the mail was that people feel obligated to give a complimentary wave when you see an acquaintance that you usually don't talk to.
e.g. I was getting the mail one day, and I saw my Young Men's leader's wife driving up the street, I don't usually talk to her, but I decided to give a wave out of good hospitality, and no joke, she was talking on the phone at the time, take her hand off of the steering wheel, and wave, almost missing the corner and running into my basketball hoop! I thought it was humorous.
My final topic is the movie 'The Blindside'. I personally have not seen it, but honestly, it looks like a piece of carp. I understand that it was based on a true story, and that the kid became successful, but when you take that story, and commercialize it, then the true meaning of the story is ruined, and that is what I think this movie is, a carpy movie that does no justice to the Character. Also I am not a fan of Sandra Bullock. I will use the example 'We Are Marshell'. The Whole team died in a plane crash, and by the end of the movie I didn't care, I was more interested in matthew mcconaughey, and his character becoming a good couch, this is my opinion, and you are intitled to yours. Please, no hateful feedback (pat/whoever reads this, which is probably just pat)
Monday, January 4, 2010
Music Recommendation: Kid Cudi!
This rapper never ceases to amaze me with his awesome music and videos to boot! He is my first music recommendation of 2010! here are some of his videos that you should definitely watch!
Pursuit Of Happiness - 2010 Theme
Make Her Say - Very nice, and has Kanye!
Day 'N' Nite - A personal favorite, and amazing video!
Make Her Say - Very nice, and has Kanye!
Day 'N' Nite - A personal favorite, and amazing video!
Distance Learning Lab
This post is about how much I love the Distance Learning Lab at my school! OMG. Here are some reasons why I love this class:
1. Zachary C Allred is in this class! This kid is a riot! Honestly, we had this whole conversation of the end of the world and he says "No! The whole world is getting warmer, and we're all going to die!" and right now he is talking about making a german chocolate bar! It is great.
2. Tyler Wilde is in this class! This kid brings the racial comments that you need to get by in life, and he is just like a wild card, yet not in any specific group. (It's Always Sunny reference)
3. I do nothing. There is nothing I like more than sitting in a dark room, and just chilling, and talking about nothing!
4. Tetris. Self Explanitory
5. Mrs. Randall. She is crazy go nuts! (let's hope she never looks at this blog).
And I have no other perks that I can think of, but if you get the chance to take this class do!
1. Zachary C Allred is in this class! This kid is a riot! Honestly, we had this whole conversation of the end of the world and he says "No! The whole world is getting warmer, and we're all going to die!" and right now he is talking about making a german chocolate bar! It is great.
2. Tyler Wilde is in this class! This kid brings the racial comments that you need to get by in life, and he is just like a wild card, yet not in any specific group. (It's Always Sunny reference)
3. I do nothing. There is nothing I like more than sitting in a dark room, and just chilling, and talking about nothing!
4. Tetris. Self Explanitory
5. Mrs. Randall. She is crazy go nuts! (let's hope she never looks at this blog).
And I have no other perks that I can think of, but if you get the chance to take this class do!
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