Friday, January 15, 2010

Obviously, or Else I wouldn't be playing it.

Alright, here I am in 'The Badger' today, and I take out my headphones so that everyone can hear that I am playing The Cure's 'Boys Don't Cry' and my friend Donald says to me "This is a good band". This got me thinking, why do people say that? Is it to let you know that they are hip, and with the trend, is it because they want acceptance that they already have? While I was thinking, I realized that I am just like everyone else, I will go up to music, ask who it is, and leave my pointless remark. What is the deal? I might be making mountains out of mole hills, but I don't think it is just because I just want to make conversation about music, I think it is all for attention and the self aggrandizing feeling that you get when you let everyone know that you are musically oriented. Watch yourself, and see if you do it yourself! Also, I would like to recommend that you do listen to "Love Cats" by The Cure!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you start it with "I take out my headphones so that everyone can hear that I am playing The Cure." Because that's another example of our automatic display of our "hipness" or whatever you wanna call it. Although it's not like there's anything wrong with wanting attention, it's a human need everyone has - what's lame is when people demand all the attention. And even though it's not so bad, if they're funny or whatever.
