Monday, February 1, 2010

Right Brain'd Youth. My Past

This was what I got to thinking in Seminary today, I was wondering if being young you start out as a right brain'd human being, and as you progress through maturity you either start to use more of the left quadrant of your brain, or you just stay right brain'd. To add a little substance to this we, as a class, did a kind of test that helped to determine if you were more of a right brain'd person, or a left, and while going through the results almost all of the class, not excluding me, was right brain'd and I was got to thinking why is it that they are all right brain'd? Is it because the answers for the right brain quadrant are more exciting and hip, or is it because it hasn't sunk in that you can't be a happy-go-lucky adolesent your whole life, and sooner or later you lose that desire to go out and Toilet Papers someones house because you are too worried about a family or getting a paycheck so you can pay your tuition.... Either way I can only hope that I stay right brain'd through-out my life, because I love the feeling of intrege that comes with a youth-filled life. I don't want to grow up.

Another thing that I have noticed is that I miss the past, and I don't know why. I want so bad-ly to relive my sophomore year, but I know that it will never be, maybe I am just realizing that my friends are older, and most of them are leaving on missions in 1-3 years, I myself am going to be leaving on a mission in a little over 2, it is starting to freak me out, I have no direction, and I don't want to go through my senior year without the crew, but it seems like I am going to have to. Hopefully I can make the best of what time I still have, and luckily Matt is coming back in August, that will be nice, Goodbye lyfe I use to know, goodbye mindless days of sitting in George's basement, goodbye Keenan. Goodbye childhood.


  1. Nice post, dude. You're making me miss the old times, but there's no slowing down time, and we'll always find the good times in the places we end up. That's life, bro. I also think you'll always be able to have fun and be a kid in someways, you're a fun guy.

  2. Lurve it! But Shea's right, time isn't slowing us down. As MC Oz would tell you, you've got to live in the now! Go Love You, Go Long Time, Go!
