Monday, December 28, 2009

Bathroom Antics

Alright, this was a great couple days, I got about 5 hours of sleep last night, I think, and I am super tired, but this has given me time to think about obscure topics, and this one happened to be what I do when I am on the toilet....

1. I cannot go when there is someone else in the room. I have stumbled upon this great tidbit of information when I was at school, and I was taking a dump, and someone walks into the stale right next to me, and I just stop, it was an amazing act of nature! I sat there for a couple minutes waiting for him to finish, and once he left, I resumed my obligations and finished up. Now I try and get a bathroom by myself.

2. I love to write meatloaf quotes on stall walls! All the time in school I will write many quotes from 'I would do anything for love' or 'Bat Out of Hell' on the stall walls

3. Why do I always think that I am going to get killed in the Band Changing room when I use it? Every time I use that bathroom, I picture a Mr. Anderson type character slipping out of the closets and killing me on the 'John'.

Well there you have it, that is what I think about in my sleep depravity, hope everyone had a merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well in thirty minutes it is Christmas Eve. So I decided to wish everyone that reads this (pat) and anyone that stumbles across my blog a merry christmas! I want to express my love for the meaning of christmas, not the commercialized version, but the version that was about Christ, I hate the commercialization of Christmas, these songs that start to play before thanksgiving, and all of the carp that you buy to make your house better than your neighbors is ridiculous ( I am not saying that I don't enjoy presents) but when you go out of your way to show up your neighbor you have gone too far, and I agree sometimes it's "The Holiday Spirit" but come on, I don't want to hear 6 different versions of 'Silent Night' in 30 minutes. I don't want to be long on this post seeing as it is almost midnight, and I still have some stuff I want to do, I will leave you with a message of:

Before you open your gifts Christmas morning take some time out and ponder The Savior, or to read Luke Chapter 2, and too all have a wonderful Christmas!

Christmas entry Complete!

Where Would I Be If I Stayed?

Recently I had a walk down memory lane of sorts, I went through some of my elementary year books, and Facebooked a bunch of them, and to no great surprise, all but two became either immoral girls, or "gangstas". So this got me to thinking, where would I be/ what would I be like if I stayed in Rose Park...

I decided that if I had stayed I would not be the kid I am right now, I have seen a couple people that I knew to be mormons fall away from the church and become druggies and or people that haven't really been making the best choices. I saw a girl that was a goodie goodie two shoes in a bunch of half naked pictures. I would see myself just like these people, a druggy drunkered, that fell away from the church, I am so glad that I moved.

This was a shorter blog, and I apologize, I will get something good to write about soon, also if anyone I mentioned in this blog see this, I am sorry.

Fourth Entry complete!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My favorite albums of 2009

Alright, I have been doing some serious thought into these album that I all love, but I gotta show you all which is my favorite!

20. Veckatimest - Grizzly Bear
19. In The Unlikely Event - The Fall Of Troy
18. Raditute - Weezer
17. Humbug - Arctic Monkeys
16. Troubadour - K'naan
15. With Roots About And Branches Below - The Devil Wears Prada
14. Middle Cyclone - Neko Case
13. Merriweather Post Pavilion - Animal Collective
12. Hello Fascination - Breathe Carolina
11. The Hazards of Love - The Decemberists
10. Eskimo Snow - Why?
9. Pins and Panzers - Plushgun
8. Davy - Coconut Records
7. Incredibad - The Lonely Island
6. Phrazes For The Young - Julian Casablancas
5. Say Anything - Say Anything
4. The Resistance - Muse
3. Man On The Moon: The End Of Day - KiD CuDi
2. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - Phoenix
1. Miike Snow - Miike Snow

There it is y'all biscuit heads.

Third entry Complete!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Testimony, not a personal narrative

Sitting in a Christmas devotional for school you expect a video a prayer some talks and then a special time for your testimonies, and every now and then you get one of those people that are "story tellers" but this time, she gave her life story, I would like to list a couple things that I think should not be done in a testimony:

1. Don't tell the whole congregation about your terrible past, unless you have a purpose.

This girl ranted on and on about how much her life sucked! I was waiting to hear about a spiritual message that brought her life out of the garbage and back into the path of righteousness, but nope, she just kept on going on about how much she has been through, please, I don't feel sorry for you when you are saying all that stuff for attention.

2. Try to avoid describing every person in your family.

As though I didn't think it could get any worse, it did. She starts going on about how much her brother is amazing, and he is younger, and every body feature that can be said in seminary, not only does this make your testimony so much longer, it just makes the whole seminary class angry that you aren't even speaking about the spirit anymore!

3. Don't be repetitive.

If all of this wasn't enough to make me go crazy, I had to listen to her say that "She loves everyone of us" about 15 time in the 6 minutes she was talking. Not to mention all of the other repetitive statements.

4. Keep the Spirit Involve.

This was the sad thing about the whole thing, throughout the whole testimony she was focusing on herself, when the whole devotional thing was about keeping Christ in Christmas. She did mention being with her family for the first time in x amount of years for Christmas, but then she went on tell about her problems.

So all in all I would like to say, don't complain about your life, don't say you love the congregation 30 times, and please keep the spirit in the testimony!

second entry complete!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

This Blog

At first I was reluctant to start a blog, but soon after the temptation overpowered me, and I now am what people call a "blogger" (not really though, seeing as this is my first post) but seeing as eventually I would have to succumb to the nagging of my friend to start a blog I got it out of the way.

This blog is not going to be anything fancy or interesting for that matter so I don't blame you for not reading, but feel free to voice yourself.

First blog entry completed.